New release: Parallel Lines, An Experiment in Temptation

parallel-lines-p1-1000parallel-lines-p2-1000I wrote a pair of books with Amazon erotica bestselling author Ben Boswell, and they’re now available over at Amazon. Parallel Lines: An Experiment in Temptation is a story about a married couple who have been together for ten years, and while they’re not exactly in a rut, they’re in…something. So they decide to try an experiment: they’ll each have flings with one other person. Of course, nothing’s ever that simple, right?

The books were something of an experiment in collaboration, too. I’d written Ian’s Obsession in parallel with Kirsten McCurran’s Because He’s Watching a couple years ago, but this was different. Ben and I weren’t just writing different sides of the same story. We weren’t writing from the perspective of different characters looking in on a shared experience. We were writing the same story. Meg has parts of me and Ben in her. So does Mal. Similarly, the storyline was shaped by the two of us, with each of us bringing our strengths and preferences to it.

Were we successful? I think so. Probably beyond anything I’d imagined, actually. The story that we forged was a lot more powerful and poignant than I could have hoped for. But that’s just my opinion. Read them for yourselves and tell us yours!


New release! Because He’s Watching: Ian’s Obsession

ians-obsession-625Looking for something to buy with that Amazon gift card you got for Christmas? Want something sexy to christen the new ereader? Got all this free time, now that Christmas-mania is done? Then look no further…

Okay, so maybe it was a good thing I didn’t go into copy writing. I’ll give it to you straight. I’ve got a new book out. It’s called Because He’s Watching: Ian’s Obsession. You’ve (hopefully) got some stress-free, non-holiday reading time ahead of you. If you enjoyed books like Just Watch Me or Something Forbidden (i.e. stories about naughty wives and the men who love them), you’ll like Ian’s Obsession. So let’s do this thing!

Oh, and unlike the last two books, this one’s not exclusive to Amazon. It’s available at Barnes & Noble and Smashwords in addition to Amazon, and should be out on Apple’s iBookstore some day (their process is a bit more…rigorous). If you guys want to see it somewhere else, just ask (I did stop supporting All Romance because I’ve literally sold 15 copies across all titles in 2013, but I can post it there if someone would like). Oh, and if even a single reader has a Kobo device, I promise to look into that platform, too.

So what are you still reading this post for? Go and grab your copy of my latest in obsession driven, wife-watching fantasies. But it at:

Buy on AmazonBuy on Barnes & NobleBuy on Smashwords

New book: Just Watch Me

justwatchme-titlepageJust Watch Me is now available on AmazonBarnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

This will be my first novel length book (I consider All In, Leap, and While She Watches novellas, if we must categorize). It picks up a year after the events of the short Rediscovering Danielle, but I want to stress that I don’t consider it a sequel. You do not need to read the short story to understand what’s going on in the novel.

I owe thanks to a lot of people for helping this book become a reality (my wife; my editor, Lucy V. Morgan; my beta readers and friends), but at the top of that list has been the sheer support of my readers. I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t have written this book without your requests (I have a particular bias towards sequels).

But I’m glad that I did write it. In my opinion, it’s the finest piece of writing I’ve produced to date (and perhaps the hottest). Hope those who requested–and anyone else who picks it up–agrees.

Just Watch Me excerpt

Some more Just Watch Me goodness. I’ve got the book page up here. There’s a description and, more importantly, an excerpt (just hit the excerpt tab). It’s pulled from the very beginning, but should give everyone who’s looking an idea for what this one’s all…

Cover reveal: Just Watch Me

Cover for Just Watch MeJust Watch Me is the loose,  novel-length sequel to Rediscovering Danielle. Dean and Danielle are back in this tale of wife-watching and more. Watch this husband and wife push the boundaries of their marriage on a fateful trip to Hawaii.

Fans of Rediscovering and newcomers alike should find something to like as we watch Dean and Danielle. Reading the short story isn’t necessary, although you’ll get a little more out of the sequel if you have.

If all goes smoothly, Just Watch Me should hit Amazon and Barnes & Noble in the latter half of April. Check back here, Twitter, or Facebook for more news. Or, you could sign up to receive blog updates (see the right side).