2014 Year in Review

2014 was a busy one for me—just not on the writing front. I’d wanted to publish six new books. Instead, I only managed two novels (Cool With Her all the way back in February, and Nothing Forbidden just this November), plus a compilation of short stories (Wife Sharing Shorts, Vol. 1) in June. It turned out that having a child at the beginning of the year and changing jobs in the middle of it ate into my writing time.

But that’s not to say that the year wasn’t a good one in the erotica front. With fellow authors Ben Boswell, Max Sebastian, and Kirsten McCurran, eroticaformen.com was launched (and languishes a bit). Additionally, with Ben Boswell, I published my first non-Kenny Wright book on KW Publishing (Two Sides of Terri was released in January, and if you haven’t picked it up, it’s one of the must-reads for 2014 in this genre). I also got mentioned in Shape magazine, shared a drink with both Kirsten McCurran and Ben Boswell (separately, not all together), and designed a whole bunch of new covers.

So what’s on the horizon for 2015? If I have time (har har), I’ll do a more formal “resolutions” post, but I can give you guys a sneak peek. For one, Training to Love It, which I’ve mentioned on and off through the year, will see the light of day (and AJ with it). I’m currently working on a story about a man who has a recurring dream about an ex-lover and how his wife handles that. And if I’m really on a roll, I should have an erotica thriller about a man whose wife takes an undercover assignment that puts her in some compromising situations. Who knows, maybe I can hit my six book goal!

But for now, let’s sit back and celebrate the year that’s just past. Hope you all had a merry Christmas, and here’s wishing you a happy New Year.

Pre-order Nothing Forbidden today

Nothing ForbiddenNothing Forbidden comes out on November 20, but you can pre-order it today over at Amazon.



Max and Katie have tasted something forbidden, opening their marriage sexually to other people. It’s been a wild ride, and they are stronger for the experience. Max craves more and gives his headstrong wife the green light to play on her own–even as she vows to never risk their relationship again. But is that a promise she can keep in her new world of sexual freedom?

In this sequel to Kenny Wright’s Something Forbidden, follow Katie as she explores the new and exciting world suddenly open to her. When nothing’s forbidden, can she keep touch with what’s real, what’s important, or will it all slip away?

Forbidden Halloween

The following is a excerpt from Nothing Forbidden, due to hit online bookstores November 20. Don’t want to miss it? Preorder it on Amazon right now.

Nothing Forbidden is a sequel to Something Forbidden, which follows Katie and Max Callahan as they explore a new world of swinging and wife-sharing.

If you haven’t read Something Forbidden, this excerpt will be full of spoilers. You have been warned.


Forbidden Halloween

Excerpt from Nothing Forbidden, by Kenny Wright.

“I feel naked,” Katie whispered to Max. She tugged at the veil across her nose and mouth. It didn’t conceal anything, but she could pretend it did. Not so much for the rest of her harem girl costume.

Max looked her up and down, lingering on her overflowing cleavage. “You look amazing.”

She dug her elbow into his side. “It’s not fair that you get to wear all those robes and I’m basically wearing a bikini.”

“Hey, you and Nadia were the ones who decided I should be the sultan.” Max was dressed in the black and gold robes of an Arabian Prince, complete with a brocade fabric headpiece featuring a plume and a jeweled diadem.

“I’m now convinced that Halloween was invented by a man,” she said.

“A genius,” Max agreed with an infuriating nod. “And don’t tell me that you didn’t have fun last year.”

Katie grew hot at the thought. Last year, Max had arrived late to the bar, leaving her at the mercy of costumed, horny men. When he finally did arrive, he’d pretended to be one of those costumed, horny men, and they’d ended the night fucking in the parking.

In the back of both of their minds, they were probably thinking of how this year could top that. It was probably why Katie had agreed to wear this ridiculous costume. The turquoise spangled top was no bigger than a bra, hung with golden chains; the baggy genie pants were as transparent as her veil and featured open slits up either side; the tall, golden sandals with their spindly, golden heels highlighted her perfect feet and red painted toenails. She tugged again on the veil, feeling the eyes on her.

“Look, there’s John and Nadia,” Max said.

Their friends were on the opposite end of the room, laughing with one another as they sipped drinks from Jack-O-Lantern Solo cups. It was nice to see them happy together. It was even nicer to see familiar faces. This was a house party thrown by friends of Nadia’s; Max and Katie knew no one.

As they approached, Katie studied her old colleague, John Mitchell. To complete the theme, he was the sultan’s guard. He wore a brocaded vest that left his arms bare, along with a crimson fez on his head and Roman legionnaire style sandals. He looked sexy—and so very different than in the business suits that she was used to seeing him in. Her mind jumped right to sex and the one evening they’d shared after the Katherine had opened.

It happened every time she’d seen him—not that she’d seen him much. Since they no longer worked for the same accounting firm, and he was still in New York, they’d only gotten together once or twice socially since that fateful night.

“You made it!” Nadia said, spotting them approaching. She appeared buzzed already. “And damn, girl, you look hot.”

“I can’t believe you talked me into wearing this,” Katie said. “I can’t pull it off like you can.”

Nadia’s costume was a black and gold version of Katie’s, only where Katie in a harem girl outfit was definitely a costume, Nadia actually pulled the look off with her deep golden skin and shimmering black hair. She’d added a jeweled belly piercing that dangled in the center of her flat stomach and matched her earrings. A golden bangle wrapped around her left bicep.

“Please, no one’s looking for authenticity,” Nadia said. “They just want to see skin. Right, John?”

Katie looked at John just in time to see him pull his eyes off her chest. That sent a flash of heat through her.

John’s smile was almost shy. He shrugged, and said, “It’s Halloween, after all. And she’s right, you look great.”

Katie’s mind flashed with an image of John stripped naked except for the fez as she bobbed her lips along his length. Her pussy quivered.

“Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself,” she said. “How are things, by the way?”

“Good. Still stuck in New York, but I’ve got a lead on something.”


He’d been talking about getting out. He and Nadia had been splitting time between New York and DC, and while the two cities were only four hours apart and the couple had an open relationship, Katie knew her friend well enough to see how hard it was on him.

“Yeah. Too early to even talk about, though,” he said.

“Well, if there’s anything you need from me, let me know.”

Nadia snickered at that. She’d sidled up to Max, a hand on his arm. She whispered something into Max’s ear, which caused him to smile and nod his head. They looked so chummy. Katie felt jealousy spike through her—a reminder that no matter how secure she was with her marriage, she’d never be as comfortable as Nadia and John were with an open relationship.

Not that she couldn’t trust Max. Nadia had worked for Max for over five years and they’d always been close and flirty. It used to make Katie nervous. Now, Katie had no reason to be; Nadia loved John too much, and Katie knew Max loved her.

“Max and I will get drinks,” Nadia said. “You two get caught up.”

Katie started to object when John said, “Come on, I’m going to grab a smoke. Keep me company.”

Katie glanced back at her husband, who gave her a subtle nod. Go, have fun, he seemed to say. She knew him well enough now to know that he was getting turned on by the possibility of a repeat of their foursome.

Katie linked her arm into John’s. “Lead on.”

The went out onto the balcony, which was empty. It was warm for late October, but she was still wearing next to nothing. She half-considered going back in to get a drink to warm her.

“Smoke?” John asked.

That would do. “Please.”

She only ever smoked when she drank, and only then very rarely, but the idea of hot smoke in her lungs, along with the buzz that accompanied it, sounded tempting. She was too sober to be with this man alone.

John took out a cigarette, lighting and handing it to her. Sharing a cigarette felt bizarrely intimate, even though the last time they’d been alone was when they’d cabbed back to her house after the opening of the Katherine, torn each other’s clothes off, and fucked each other silly.

She was still amazed that she’d done that. She sucked down the smoke to calm her nerves.

“So how are you doing, Katie?” John asked. Katie looked up at him, not seeing her longtime friend and former coworker, but instead seeing him as the last man to fuck her besides Max. He added, “Things better with the new firm?”

Katie blinked, reminding herself who he was. A friend. Just a friend. She handed him the cigarette.

“Yeah, much. It’s smaller accounting group, so we all wear more hats, but I don’t mind the grunt work from time to time. Reminds me why I became an accountant.”

John nodded, smoking the cigarette as he watched her thoughtfully. Their eyes met. “You’re basically good at anything you put your mind to.”

“Same with you.” Her heart skipped in the pregnant moment.

He handed the smoke back to her.

They stared at one another, smiling, comfortable in the quiet moment.

Katie had always liked John. He was the opposite of an alpha male—the kind of guys who she found herself drawn to lately. He was on the total opposite end of the spectrum, the consummate good guy. The kind of guy her parents would have been happy for her to marry. She’d always liked him for that, but the more she got to know him, the deeper that appreciation became. He was strong when he needed to be, stubborn about things that he was passionate about, and more ambitious than his introverted personality suggested.

He was also fantastic in bed, she thought, her stomach once again doing flips.

She held the cigarette to him. His touch lingered on her fingers before he took it. She remembered the way he’d kissed her so many months ago. The way he’d held her hips as he made her scream. That didn’t help with her nerves.

She forced the conversation to more appropriate things. “You and Nadia still doing okay? With the whole long distance thing and all?”

“Yeah. Better than most couples in our situation, I bet.”

“Well, you’ve got a pretty unconventional way of dealing.” Katie’s face went bright. She was far too sober to have this conversation, yet here she was, spewing freely.

“Everyone’s different,” John said. “How about you two? How are you guys doing?”

“Great,” Katie said, maybe a touch too quickly. “All things considered, I mean.”

“You two had a bad experience. That’s not easy to get over—especially when it’s one of your first.”

Katie nodded, filling the silence with a final drag of the cigarette. She dumped the butt into an empty beer bottle. “Life’s crazy and unpredictable, isn’t it?” she said.

John looked at her, their eyes meeting in the dark. She no longer felt chilly. “Very,” he agreed.

The moment was interrupted by the sliding door opening and the ruckus of the party spilling out. “Should we come back?” Nadia said.

Katie stepped away from John—when had she gotten so close? Turning, she saw Nadia in the door and Max just behind her. She saw the conflict in her husband’s face—the same conflict that she felt when she noticed that his arm was across Nadia’s waist and his hand was on her bare midriff.

“We come with gifts,” said Nadia, holding out some drinks. “But if you two are having a moment—“

“No, of course not,” Katie said. “Drinks. Yes. Thanks.”

John lit up another cigarette. When he offered it to Katie, she shook her head. She was always self-conscious about smoking around Max. Drinking was a better buzz.

“What is this?” she asked, guzzling the punch too quickly.

“What do I look like, someone who works in a bar?” Nadia joked.

Max added, “It’ll get you buzzed. Does it matter?”

“You two run an upscale speakeasy that specializes in artisanal cocktails?” Katie said. “Very interesting.”

Nadia rolled her eyes. “Just drink, snob! You’re way too sober.”

Katie laughed and did as she was told




The night flowed along with the booze. Katie hadn’t been to a party like this in a long time. The apartment was packed to standing room only. People clustered everywhere, dressed in outlandish costumes that made Katie feel better about her own—it was like every male fantasy had come to life. Sexy maids and nurses were represented. A sexy teacher danced with a sexy school girl across the room. Cheerleaders and vampires and slutty versions of Disney princesses all mingled through the tightly packed throng.

Katie and Nadia were in line for more drinks, and had to yell to be heard. “So have you seen that guy again?”

“AJ?” Nadia asked. Katie nodded, as if she didn’t know exactly who AJ was. “Yeah. Couple times. I invited him to this, but he had other plans.”

Katie’s heart lurched at the bullet she hadn’t realized that she’d just dodged. Not that she had anything to hide, but meeting AJ at a party like this could have been awkward.

“How about you?” Nadia said. “You got any guys in your bullpen?”

Katie laughed at the analogy. “No one warming up, if that’s what you mean. But there’s a guy.”

It was a testament to how strong the drinks were that Katie said anything at all. Nadia’s interest was piqued.

“Oh? Anyone I know?”

“No. Just a guy I’m working with.”


“Yeah,” Katie said.

“Katherine Callahan is mixing business with pleasure?” Nadia faked a scandalous tone. “I’m shocked.”

“I know. And it’s nothing, just some fun.”

Nadia pinched Katie’s arm. “I’m just teasing. I think it’s great. And shows how much you’ve changed over the last year.”

“Well, a lot’s happened.”

Nadia pressed herself close to Katie, her fingers curling around the redhead’s waist. “A lot, yes.”

Katie inhaled a whiff of Nadia’s perfume, distinct, spicy, and undeniably feminine. She suddenly became hyper-aware of the other woman’s warm hands on her bare skin.

Nadia leaned in, her voice gentle, barely audible above the ruckus of the party. “It still makes you nervous, doesn’t it?” Nadia tilted her head, as though preparing for a kiss. Instead, she smiled and added, “But I know you like it.”

Katie’s chest felt tight. The two times she’d been with another woman had been in the context of group sex—in the heat of an already intense sex scene. This felt different. There was no way to deny her attraction.

Katie started to protest—more out of good girl instinct than genuine concern—when Nadia completed the action she’d started moments before. She dipped in and kissed Katie on the mouth.

Katie’s body stiffened. Nadia’s nose brushed along her own, her lips and mouth so unbelievably soft. Panic yielded to excitement—the same thrill of being a bad girl, of being unexpected.

The women melted into one another. The party around them faded away. Even the feminine body pressed against her lost definition to the sensual play of tongue against tongue.

Nadia broke the kiss. The world around them came crashing back. The guy behind them dressed as a jedi cheered a big, “Don’t stop now, honeys!”

Katie’s face burned.

Nadia said to Katie, “Want to get out of here? I bet John and Max are ready to leave, too.”

Katie did, but it scared her. She hadn’t realized how much baggage she’d been carrying around since the Chloe thing—since Hong Kong. She’d nearly lost her husband and her marriage because of that mess, and right or wrong, she tied Nadia and John to it.

“Come on, ladies, don’t tease a guy like that,” the Jedi said.

Nadia turned to him. “Would you shut the fuck up? Go beat off somewhere else.”

“Whoa. Princess Jasmine’s got a temper on her,” he said, hands up.

Katie couldn’t help but laugh. Nadia grabbed her hand and pulled her out of line. Katie just looked back at him and shrugged.

Nadia drew Katie into the bathroom, which surprisingly had no line. As she locked the door behind her, a thrill passed through Katie.

“For privacy,” Nadia explained.

Instead of going right in for another kiss, as Katie expected, Nadia leaned against the sink and looked Katie in the eyes. “I know you’re still marked by what happened. I respect that, and if you want to go back out there, find Max, and go back home with him alone, I’ll totally respect that, too.”

Katie felt Nadia’s authenticity. She wasn’t Chloe—she wasn’t trying to seduce Katie into doing something she didn’t want to do.

“But?” Katie asked, finally relaxing.

“But I want to fuck you so badly,” Nadia said, letting it all out in a breathy rush. “And so does John.”

Katie laughed. Giggled even. What else could she do? She wanted all of it. No sense in denying it anymore.

“Okay,” Katie said.


“Okay, let’s go find the guys.”




They all piled into a cab, heading out to Nadia and John’s place. Max sat up front, John, Nadia, and Katie crammed into the back with John in between the girls. Everyone was buzzing, and it was from more than booze and nicotine.

Katie turned to John, her earlier shyness snuffed out by the electricity of the night. “Hi,” she said.

“Hey, yourself,” was all he could manage. Katie kissed him hard, cupping his smooth cheeks as she cradled his head. It felt good to kiss a man—reassuring to her sense of heteronormativity.

Not to mention Max, there in the front seat, watching her do it. That lit a fire inside her.

Breaking the kiss, she glanced at Nadia, waiting eagerly opposite her. “Your turn,” she said, directing John’s head around to his wife’s. The two kissed deeply, tongues meeting in a wet duel.

Katie looked over at Max, who was twisted around in his seat, mesmerized. That cab driver was, too, although he only risked furtive glimpses in the rearview mirror as he drove them through the night.

An audience. She had an audience. Her breathing sped up. Her body hummed.

John pulled out of his kiss with Nadia. “Your turn?” he said. At first, Katie thought he was going to kiss her again, but he sat back in the seat, put his hands on the back of the back of Nadia and Katie’s heads, and nudged them together.

Neither needed much prompting, although again Katie had to fight back her reflex to pull away at the last second. As Nadia’s lips found hers, and Nadia’s tongue sliced into Katie’s mouth, the instinct to flee dissipated. She welcomed the kiss, reveling in it.

Still, subconsciously maybe, her free hand sought out John’s cock, finding him erect and ready through his loose pants.

Katie squeezed it, felt it throb. She couldn’t wait to feel that inside her again, she thought guiltily.

When Nadia and Katie separated, Katie realized that the cab was stopped. They’d arrived at Nadia’s condo complex. Max paid the driver. Said: “Thanks for the ride.”

“Buddy,” the driver said, “I think your ride’s about to start.”

“I think you’re totally right.”




Katie bobbed up and down John’s length, indulging in the strange cock like an exquisite meal. She loved the way it felt in her mouth, how different the contours were as she traced it with her tongue. Most of all, though, she loved the way he groaned above her as she blew him

As they blew him, she corrected. Nadia was on her knees beside Katie, her mouth focused on John’s balls as Katie sucked his shaft.

John groaned. “Oh, fuck yeah, that’s good.”

Nadia pulled up. “Switch,” she said.

They switched, Nadia going to work aggressively sucking John off as Katie dipped low and slathered his shaven balls with saliva. When she wrapped her lips around his scrotum and sucked, he moaned sharply.

Katie’s pussy quivered. She’d never done this before—never participated in a double blowjob. It felt so naughty. The fact that she was doing it to John, not Max, made it even spicier, albeit with a tinge of guilt.

Nadia pulled up, her fingers replacing her mouth to pump his cock. “So the sultan’s guard likes two girls on his dick?”

Katie sucked one last time on his balls before licked up the side of his shaft. When she got to Nadia’s fingers, she licked those, too, kissing her platinum wedding band.

Nadia went back to work, lapping her tongue along the opposite side of his shaft, both of them now focusing on his cock. They fell into a rhythm, their lips meeting around his cock, forming a soft, wet ring as they danced up and down his length, two tongues lashing instead of one.

Katie could tell that he was close. His breathing became sporadic. His abs clenched. He moaned harder, louder, squirming under the onslaught. Nadia swallowed him, only to pull away and let Katie take a bob. Back and forth they passed him, each woman taking a quick turn as they tickled his balls with their fingernails.

“Uh, yes!” John groaned, rocking back in the sofa. “That feels…that feels…so good!”

Katie’s body was on fire, too. Her nipples screamed against the bra-like top of her costume. Her pussy was drenched.

He came inside Nadia’s mouth first, although the women orchestrated a perfectly timed switch between ropey blasts of come. Katie swallowed like the sex slave she was pretending to be, passing his cock back to Nadia only to watch the other woman finish him off. Inches from Nadia, Katie was mesmerized. The woman looked so sexy doing that, her cheeks caved in, her eyes closed, long lashes fanning out like half-moons.

When John was through, Nadia released him, turned to Katie, and pulled the redhead into a sweltering kiss. They swapped come as much as spit as they made out. It felt so surreal to Katie. She wasn’t the kind of woman who did this sort of thing. What would her friends think of her now, as she French kissed another woman and shared another man’s come? What would the partners at her firm do? She thought about her clients—about Bradley—who could never see this side of her.

At some point, the act became less about putting on a display for John and more about enjoying the Sapphic touch. The kiss slowed, their bodies came together. Katie felt Nadia’s hand slide into the front of her panties as her own hands cupped Nadia’s ass.

“She’s so wet, my prince,” Nadia said, breaking free to look at Max, sitting on the couch.

Max grinned. He still wore the sultan’s plumed headdress and the golden robe, but was otherwise naked. The robe hung open, his cock clutched in his hand.

“Strip each other,” Max ordered.

Nadia stood, offering her hand to Katie. Katie took it, let herself be pulled to her feet, let her be turned toward her husband. It was easier to be passive when it was another woman behind her, touching her, working the clasp of her harem girl halter top.

“Just relax, Katie,” Nadia whispered. “Look at your husband. He’s loving this.”

Max was. He was staring with a hungry expression that made Katie shiver. The top came off and Nadia reached around, cupping Katie’s full swells. “Do they please you, master?” Nadia asked.

“They do,” he said.

“You did well, choosing this slave, master.”

Katie saw Max’s domineering facade drop for a second and shared a smile with him. The scenario was fun, but also silly, and they knew each other too well to start calling one another master and slave.

Nadia pinched Katie’s nipples, and the silent exchange between Max and Katie broke. No matter how silly this was, that was another woman behind her, stripping her, kissing her neck. There was no way to pretend otherwise. Yet as her nerves set in, she simply had to look at Max, see the hunger in his stare, and she was able to enjoy it.

Nadia’s hands left Katie’s tits, traveling down her flat stomach to her waist—to the hem of her gypsy pants. Nadia hooked her thumbs into Katie’s pants and panties, pushing them over her hips. Katie felt so exposed, even in front of her husband of nearly ten years.

“Keep the heels on,” Max said as Katie stepped out of her clothing.

She nodded, then turned to Nadia to return the favor. Nadia didn’t turn for her, however, forcing Katie to strip her face-to-face. Katie rolled her eyes at Nadia’s insufferable smile, then reached around her and worked open the other woman’s top.

Nadia had gorgeous breasts. At just 27 and without going through motherhood and breast feeding, her olive-hued tits still rested high and plump, capped with dusky nipples that screamed to be sucked on. Katie couldn’t resist, dipping in to take one between her lips.

Nadia clutched at Katie’s hair, moaning at the touch. “Oh, baby, that’s good,” she said.

Katie worked her hands down Nadia’s lean back, found the waistband of her pants and pushed them downward. Releasing her lip-lock on Nadia’s tits, she lowered herself into a crouch to peel down Nadia’s flowy pants, putting her right next to the other woman’s bare shaven pussy.

Suddenly, everything about this night snapped into vivid, raunchy reality.

“I want you to eat her.” Max’s voice cut through the roar of blood in her ears.

Katie’s stomach tightened, even as her pussy swelled. This felt so wrong, yet so exciting. For the quickest of moments, she remembered the suit-wearing accountant she was by day. Then, she took a deep, fortifying breath, wrapped her hands around Nadia’s ass, and ran her tongue across Nadia’s moist sex.

Nadia moaned, threading her fingers into Katie’s hair. Encouraged, Katie did it again, dragging the flat of her tongue across the entire length of Nadia’s slit. She was silky smooth. Katie remembered a brush of dark brown hair on her mound, but had to admit the bald look was exciting. Everything that happened was exciting.

Keeping Katie’s head against her crotch, Nadia lowered herself onto the sofa, getting more comfortable for both of them. She spread her legs wide, giving Katie complete access.

Katie took it, trying to recall the things that Nadia enjoyed the last time they were together. Katie pushed two fingers inside the other woman, slowly finger-fucking her as she flicked Nadia’s exposed clit. Nadia squirmed above her, moaning louder, and Katie felt pride warm her insides. She was doing something right.

Katie heard Max speak without fully comprehending the words. “You, there. Guard. I want you to fuck that slave.”

Katie continued to eat Nadia’s pussy, listening to the other woman’s vocal cues as she gauged how close she was to orgasm. Her tongue flashed this way and that across Nadia’s clit, a panicked zig-zag that Katie knew felt like magic when it was done to her.

And then she felt something hard and large press against her pussy from behind. She didn’t even have time to pull off Nadia’s cunt and look back before John’s cock entered her.

Katie went from zero to infinity in the time it took for him to bury his cock to the hilt inside her. When he pulled back, the ridge of his cockhead ratched up the pleasure a hundred fold. Nadia grabbed her head, shoving it back between her thighs before she could fully wrap her mind around what was happening.

“Don’t stop,” Nadia moaned. “Keep eating my pussy.”

Katie tried, but her attention was divided. She couldn’t fully focus on Nadia, not with the feeling of strange cock driving in and out of her. She gave up with her mouth as the waves of pleasure came crashing. She worked Nadia with her hands, finger-banging her with one hand as she dribbled her clit with the other.

It was enough for Nadia, who finally screamed out an orgasm of her own. She shoved Katie’s face back into her pussy, lifting her hips off the sofa, grinding her smooth cunt against Katie’s mouth.

And still, John fucked Katie. When Nadia went limp on the sofa, John pulled out long enough to flip Katie over, place her on her back next to Nadia, and enter her once again.

Katie met John’s eyes. The link was established. Looking into his deep, brown irises, something clicked inside her—something that scared her to death. She loved this man. The epiphany was as profound as it was so obvious.

She placed her hands on his hips. To push him back? To keep him there? He drove into her, filling her, forcing a cry of pleasure from her—and those hands curled around his ass, encouraging him to fuck her deeper.

Vaguely, she was aware of a shift on the couch beside her. Looking to her right, she saw Max there, his robe gone, guiding his cock between Nadia’s thighs.

Katie smiled at him, reaching out to hold his hand.

John drove into her again, forcing a moan—forcing her eyes closed and her mind to go haywire.

She loved John, but not in the same way that she loved Max. No one would ever replace him. And she would never, ever let anyone come between them again.

“I’m close,” John said.

Katie opened her eyes, looking up at him as he slowed his thrusts.

“Me, too,” she said, her voice harsh.

He nodded quickly, picking up speed again, rounding the final bend. He pulled a leg up over his shoulder, opening her wider, driving his large cock deeper than she was used to. He was good. He knew exactly what he was doing. She was so close. Three more strokes and she’d be there. Two more.

“I’m…” The rest was lost in a long moan. She wanted to feel his come, to feel him unleash himself inside her, but instead, he pulled out, ripped his condom off, and exploded across her stomach. The hot splatter of come on her sweaty skin felt almost as naughty.

“That’s it, slave girl. See all that come? You’re going to clean her up so I can have my turn,” Max said.

Max was still in control of the situation, and Katie was grateful for it. She was just a prop in their game, a harem girl who was there only to do as she was told. And she was accepting of that role.

Nadia slid into place between her legs. Max moved in right behind her, a condom rolled over his dick. Katie didn’t feel jealousy. Felt no uncertainty. Didn’t feel anything but relief and hedonistic pleasure as Nadia went down on her and Max fucked Nadia doggy style.

“I love the taste of come and pussy,” Nadia said. She pushed two fingers into Katie, drawing a gasp from the redhead. “And your pussy is so neat and beautiful. I love a tidy cunt.”

Nadia went back to work, harmonizing her tongue with her driving fingers. Katie closed her eyes, sparks of pleasure dancing around her in the blackness. Nadia ate her pussy like no one else ever had, sending her to the brink of release and holding her there, sputtering and gasping.

Katie looked over Nadia’s undulating body, at Max taking her like the royal prince he was pretending to be. He still wore that silly hat, although it had been tipped askew.

He mouthed an I love you, which she returned with a laugh.

This was the way it was supposed to go down. This was the kind of decadent pleasure the night needed to be, free of heavy emotions. Nothing but pleasure in its purest, most unadulterated form.

She looked beside her, where John sat, watching. His cock, she was shocked to discover, had begun to rise again. Viagra had to be at play here. She looked at Max, wondering how much the two men had conspired to get them to this moment. Then decided she really didn’t care.

Twisting around, she wrapped her hand around his cock and took him into her mouth. She could taste herself on him, along with the residuals of his come. She swirled her tongue, feeling him expand as she sucked. She wanted to feel him inside her again, she realized, complicated emotions or not.

“Oh, Kates, that’s so hot,” Max said. She glanced at him, catching his riveted expression as she sucked off another man.

Katie slurped away at John, her voice rough from a night of moans and oral sex. “Sorry, babe, I couldn’t resist. John’s got such a nice, big dick.”

Max’s face tightened. She knew that expression. It was the anguished look of her husband coming. It felt good that she knew him so well, that she could stroke his emotions like a virtuoso. Nadia gasped between Katie’s thighs as she joined Max in his orgasm.

Katie looked up at John, who was staring at Nadia and Max with the same pained lust Max had shown when watching them earlier. She realized she felt the same way. Sliding out from under Nadia, she rolled a condom onto John, turned in his lap, and slotted him into her.

“That’s better,” she sighed.

John smiled. “Our turn?”

Katie nodded, looking down at Nadia’s shaved pussy, red and ready.

“Eat her,” Max said. “Make that slave girl come. Your prince demands it.”

Katie embraced the harem girl role again. For tonight, on Halloween, she was pleased to serve.

Nothing ForbiddenThis is an excerpt from Nothing Forbidden, due to hit online bookstores November 20. Preorder it at Amazon today, or follow me on Twitter, @kennywriter. And if you haven’t read it yet (or want a refresher), Nothing Forbidden is the follow-up to last year’s Something Forbidden.