Training to Love It 2 update and excerpt

November is here, and as you have probably noticed, Training to Love It 2 is not available. My sincere apologies. I’ve gone through several drafts, and while they’ve been good, they’re not quite right, and I don’t want to release something that doesn’t live up to the first book. I’m still targeting November for a release, though, and feel I’m close. I just need time!

But to tide you guys over until then, I’ve posted an excerpt from book 2. It should give you all a taste of that thing I’ve heard you all wished you could have seen in the first book. Enjoy, and watch this space (and Twitter) for updates on book two.

Pre-order Training to Love It, Book One


This one’s been a long time coming (if you’ve followed this blog or social media). Training to Love It is finally getting published. It’ll be out on September 30, only on Amazon.

Go ahead and pre-order now!

The blurb:

Can a wife-watching fantasy be trained?

When Erin comes home from the gym and let’s slip that her new personal trainer is a man, Tom doesn’t know how to react. When he overhears Erin admitting that she’s attracted to AJ, her trainer, he becomes even more confused. He wants to be supportive, but he feels jealous. He wants to be understanding, but he doesn’t even understand his own feelings. Every time he thinks of Erin with AJ, his heart begins to race. Every time she says his name, his breath catches in his chest.

AJ ends up pushing more than just his wife’s physical limits. As Tom watches this newer, stronger, more assertive woman emerge with each training session, he realizes that this other man is pushing the limits of their marriage and their happy life. How far would they go for a fantasy? And whose fantasy is it? And what happens when things go too far?

New release: Parallel Lines, An Experiment in Temptation

parallel-lines-p1-1000parallel-lines-p2-1000I wrote a pair of books with Amazon erotica bestselling author Ben Boswell, and they’re now available over at Amazon. Parallel Lines: An Experiment in Temptation is a story about a married couple who have been together for ten years, and while they’re not exactly in a rut, they’re in…something. So they decide to try an experiment: they’ll each have flings with one other person. Of course, nothing’s ever that simple, right?

The books were something of an experiment in collaboration, too. I’d written Ian’s Obsession in parallel with Kirsten McCurran’s Because He’s Watching a couple years ago, but this was different. Ben and I weren’t just writing different sides of the same story. We weren’t writing from the perspective of different characters looking in on a shared experience. We were writing the same story. Meg has parts of me and Ben in her. So does Mal. Similarly, the storyline was shaped by the two of us, with each of us bringing our strengths and preferences to it.

Were we successful? I think so. Probably beyond anything I’d imagined, actually. The story that we forged was a lot more powerful and poignant than I could have hoped for. But that’s just my opinion. Read them for yourselves and tell us yours!
