New author on

Snow Day Fun coverI’ve been impressed with the work of Sydney Sitravon since I read his first published book, The Anklet, three years ago. It was the first in a trilogy of books called the Katelyn’s Stranger Series.

After exchanging some emails, I learned that he was very much a kindred spirit of mine. Not only did he start writing stories that he wanted to read because he couldn’t find many written by others, but he also shares so many of the same ideals as me: mutual fantasies, the importance of relationship, realistic characters that can have their cake and eat it too. Most importantly, though, he is a strong writer who actually has a wife-watching fantasy.

Over the last three years, while his catalog isn’t extensive, they’ve each improved on one another. His latest, Snow Day Fun, was just released last month, is fantastic. If you enjoy my books, definitely check Sitravon (and encourage him to write more!). We’ll be keeping tabs on his latest over at

New hotwife anthology live!

What a surprise! There’s a new anthology up from our small writing cabal over at The Best Hotwife Erotica Volume 4 is now available for the low, low price of $0.99 (or free if you’ve got a KU account), and inside, you’ll find shorts from Arnica Butler, Ben Boswell, Kirsten McCurran, and yours truly. This time, we tackle themes involving “games of chance.” You’ll read about naughty poker games, trips to Vegas, a couple hustling pool, and more.

I’ll have more updates on what I’m working on shortly. I promise! (And if I don’t, please hold me to this by commenting here. I’m working on new stuff, I promise!).

Soon: Annie’s Affair

This is coming. Soon. I promise. I know, I know, I said somewhere on Twitter that it would be a September release (and probably an August one before that). I had every intention of releasing it earlier, but…life. What can I say, it’s pretty unpredictable. You should know that it’s done, and it’s gone through one round of editing (thank you, Gary) and it’s on a final pass as I type this (thank you, Stephen).

And it’s good. At least, in my opinion, it’s good. It’s difficult, it’s heavy, it deals with things and characters and actions that make me squeamish and guilty and aroused all at once. As one beta reader told me, this is the first time I’ve written a book about an actual affair, where the characters don’t talk things through, where things don’t start in a healthy place. I wanted to tackle something harder, and the result, I hope, will be something that will stay with people long after it’s done. It certainly has for me.

And if you guys hate it, well, I should have the next book out in a much shorter span of time than the last two. I’m about two-thirds of the way through it, and it’s also good. But hey, what can I say, I’m a little biased.

Thanks for your patience and watch this space for more updates (and a blog post from a guest blogger, author Sean Geist!).

New book: Following Temptation

It’s been a while, but I’ve finally got a new book out. I really like this one, guys, and if you do too, maybe there will be more of this couple. Leave a comment here or on Amazon (as a review) and we’ll see what’ll happen!

Right now, it’s available on Amazon and Smashwords. It should be up on all the other marketplaces in a few weeks.

Temptation waits just around the corner. Follow and see where it leads.

Life is good for Michael and Laura Richards, if a little stale. That is, until Michael follows his neighbor, Dane, to the house of the married Jessica, and watches Dane take full advantage of the voluptuous brunette. Michael shouldn’t watch, but he can’t stop himself, and the veneer of his sleepy suburb peels away to reveal its naughtiness.

Michael confesses the adventure to his wife, Laura, and the couple embarks on a journey of sexual awakening, following Dane and Jessica into a world that is as uncomfortable as it is irresistible. But there are layers within layers, and when Laura befriends Jessica and learns that not everything is as straightforward as it seems, just how far is she willing to follow her neighbor? Prepare yourself for a tale of voyeurism, naughty neighbors, sexy wives, and illicit temptation.

Buy now on:

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New Best Hotwife Books anthology is out!

Fellow authors Kirsten McCurran, Ben Boswell, Max Sebastian, and Arnica Butler have put out the third installment of hotwife short stories. This time, the theme is “Caught!” and we’ve got some fun stories for you. These tend to flirt with the darker side of the fantasy than the stories that you’re used to from us, and more than the last couple volumes, really demonstrate the differences in our approaches and writing styles.

As with the last two, the compilation will only ever cost $0.99 and will be available on Kindle Unlimited. This is our gift to the reading community. Enjoy at your leisure. If you enjoyed it, the best way to say thank you would be to tell others that you liked it, either directly, or by leaving a review.

Buy Best Hotwife Erotica Vol. 3: Caught!


My serial, and other upcoming things

I wanted to publish a post weekly, and here I am, barely getting my second blog post up in the first two months of 2017. My apologies. I’ll try and be more diligent, but I promise you it’s not for lack of writing.

One of the newest things I’m working on is a serial that follows a couple, Clarissa and Jackson Williams, as they work through a rough patch in their marriage by playing a game. I haven’t figured out what this game is called yet, but essentially they take turns giving the other a roleplaying scenario, and then act it out (eg. “meet me at a bar and pretend that we’re strangers”). It’ll be released as a series of novellas, with each novella covering one of these scenarios, and hopefully, we’ll see the couple evolve over the course of the whole thing. I’d like to publish each novella pretty close to one another (a month apart or so), and I’ve only written the short-ish prologue chapter, so it’ll be a while before that one will be out.

A book (full-length) that’s much closer to seeing publication is called Following Temptation, and let me tell you, I’m excited about this one. I’d put it down to work on a few side projects, but after finishing the prologue of the serial above, I went back to Following and fell in love with the couple all over again. I mentioned this book back in the January update, but for a refresher, it’s about a couple who discover that their neighbors are having an affair, and how they follow them into, erm, temptation. Or at least into sexy times. I’m working hard to get that out in the next month or so, just in time for….

Best Hotwife Books, Volume 3: Caught! This one should be out in a month, themed around “Caught!” and however the authors—Max Sebastian, Kirsten McCurran, Arnica Butler, Ben Boswell, and myself—interpreted that. I haven’t read all the entries, but the few I have, I can tell you the offerings are pretty diverse.

That’s got me thinking, though. Would other authors be interested if I made a space available (either here or on to post your own stories written around these themes for free? I wouldn’t sell these stories, but also couldn’t pay anyone royalties for them. It would be more like a mini-Literotica, although you could post links to your blogs/author pages on Amazon. No promises that I can do this, but I’d like to gauge interest here.

Anyway, that’s it for now. I still have the bull story, as well as another collaboration with Max, although we’ve only started kicking around ideas. If you missed it, Out of His League came out last month, as well as a short on (which requires a membership).