New story: Moving Mrs. Mitchell

Something new. And free. We like those things, yes? It’s also a quickie. I’m in the process of reorganizing my free story section, but most of the kinks should be worked out. Here’s the description:

Mrs. Robin Mitchell couldn’t stand living another moment in her cheating husband’s place. She needed to get out, and get out as soon as possible. College guys Paul and Brandon were more than willing to help her move… not just into her new house, but into her new life.

Here’s the link: Moving Mrs. Mitchell

It should also be available in epub and mobi format as soon as I can hammer out a cover. Enjoy! And always, drop me some feedback if you liked it.

Win a personalized story with cover (Hot Summer Nights Blog Hop)

Do you like erotic stories? Ever read a story that made you wish you were actually in the story? Ever wish you had that very story on your Kindle, Nook, or other ereader of choice? Well, here’s your chance. As part of Sky Warren’s Hot Summer Nights Bloghop, witty and kickass author Lucy V. Morgan is offering just that: a personalized Kindle/ebook story written by her with a cover designed by me.

For those of you who don’t know it, she’s got a few great books out, including the epic (and sexy) Chairman of the Whored and it’s sequel, A Whored’s Prayer.

All you need to do is leave a comment about your favorite summer things on her blog post. You’ll find more specifics there as well. Now stop reading and go enter now. You’ve got nothing to lose!

Site redesign underway

I’m redesigning It needed a facelift, for one, but I also wanted to add more functionality to it. Things you’ll see in the next few weeks include:

  • Responsive design: Now it’ll be even easier to read new stories on your mobile devices (this one is here already)
  • Portfolio of ebooks: Now that I actually have them, I want to show them off! Browse by cover, click for more info, etc. (now live)
  • Story archive reworked: This one is necessary with the new theme. Right now, the story section is a mess. I apologize. I’ll put in a temporary fix as soon as I can.
  • Gallery of cover designs: More for me, but I wanted to show them all off. The new theme makes that easy, theoretically. For now, I’ve put everything on my Facebook page. (This is now live, too)
  • And more: This is a test in UX design. We’ll see how I do!

Also, look for a couple new stories from me. One around the length of  While She Watches, the other a short, fun, and free story.



It’s official, we’re up and running (on Amazon and Smashwords, at the very least). I guess that makes me an author? Sounds weird.

The technical process was a little more time-consuming than I’d anticipated, but I’ve also learned a lot from it. Eight Hundred Dollar Heels and While She Watches are both live now ($.99 and $1.99 respectively), but getting After School Special up for free has proved more of a challenge. Hopefully that’ll be sorted out shortly, but in the meantime, you can get the Smashwords version here for free.

For those new to my stories, welcome and I hope you enjoy. I think my brand of erotica is accessible for anyone looking for something explicit, sexy, and a little different than a good deal of what’s out there. More specifically, though, I write erotica for myself, a male who enjoys reading it but doesn’t find enough out there geared toward me. I want to contribute to the expanding world of “erotica for men,” word by word.

Upcoming stories and cover reveals

Little Miss Calculation was published in November. Here we are, almost June of the next year, and for that, I apologize. But that’s not to say I haven’t been busy. In fact, I’m making the leap from the free sites to the world of publishing, and to kick things off, I’m going to release three stories at once: While She Watches, Eight Hundred Dollar Heels, and a slightly revised After School Special (which will be a free download). I’ve already designed the covers, so hopefully they will be available in the next week or two

While She Watches

A charity auction brings out Cara’s wildest fantasy yet; she wants to watch Nick with her best friend, Elise. While Nick is into his girlfriend’s crazy fantasy—after all, Elise is a pretty brunette with a body that makes him want to do bad things to her—he never considers really doing it. That would be insane, right? However, when he wins a date with Elise at a charity auction, Nick discovers Cara plans to make her fantasy a reality.



Eight Hundred Dollar Heels

Looking at her reflection, Deanna can barely recognize herself. She’s used to being pretty, sure, but the brunette sitting at the hotel bar looks as good as the $800 heels she’s wearing–she knows this because of all the stares she gets from the men around. Not that they have a chance; she has a good husband and a comfortable life waiting for her on the other side of the country. Question is, can the woman in the mirror remember that?



After School Special

When Andy’s friends convince him to visit a strip club in their final summer before college, shy Andy has a few things to worry about. Running into his history teacher, Ms. Fischer, was never one of them.

Moonlighting as a cocktail waitress at a strip club, Hayley Fischer is just as freaked out as Andy when her former student walks through the door. Is this a nightmare scenario for both? Or possibly a dream come true?

Originally published on, this updated version will be free to download. I’ve updated the version on this website with the latest edition.


The world of erotica needs more stories written for guys, by guys, and this is my offering (hopefully the first of many). If you’re not familiar with my style, poke around this site. I try to write sexy, explicit, and often romantic erotica with characters I could fall in love with and plots that stay with me long after I’m done with them. Look for them soon. I’d love to hear what you think.

Don’t expect applause

Some solid advice for creatives in all fields (even erotica) from Seth Godin:

If your work is filled with the hope and longing for applause, it’s no longer your work–the dependence on approval has corrupted it, turned it into a process where you are striving for ever more approval.

Who decides if your work is good? When you are at your best, you do. If the work doesn’t deliver on its purpose, if the pot you made leaks or the hammer you forged breaks, then you should learn to make a better one. But we don’t blame the nail for breaking the hammer or the water for leaking from the pot. They are part of the system, just as the market embracing your product is part of marketing.


Site redesign:

Over the weekend, I redesigned Lucy V. Morgan’s website. Check it out if you want some highly entertaining blog entries, giveaway opportunities for her upcoming novel, Chairman of the Whored (definitely pre-order this if you’re a fan of erotica; it’s spicy), and other goodies.

My experience “designing” a Blogger website was an interesting one. When I discovered that the templates were all gathered into one, honking file (this includes the CSS and the javascript — jquery libraries and all), I decided to actually apply a pre-existing template to it and then design around that. She wanted clean, elegant, yet sexy (and a bit quirky) and I think it was successful.

Credit where credit is due:

  • The template I based this off of was Beauty & Clean, written by LiteThemes
  • The photo in the header is off of Veer (license held by Lucy)
  • All content is written by Lucy herself
  • Google did the rest!
  • Oh, and maybe some of my own design went into it, somewhere.