New cover designs

I’ve been busy on the design front with a slew of new covers for some really amazing authors.

My good friend Kirsten McCurran published her latest last week, Emma’s Escape, a scintillating tale about a young woman letting go of her comfortable yet boring life, and embracing a sexual side that she never knew she had. If you’re a fan of Kirsten’s, or if you’re in the mood for a sexy book about innocence lost and sexuality found, check out Emma’s Escape.

Lucy V. Morgan just launched her New Adult parody, Tousle Me (A Cliché Too Far), last Friday. This is her first full-length romantic comedy, and is pretty damn funny. Click on over to Amazon to read the hilarious blurb, then read the even more hilarious book.

I’ve got a new book, too, which necessitates a new cover. I’ve been teasing Because He’s Watching: Ian’s Escape for a few weeks now, so I won’t do it again. Just click that link and read the blurb. It should be out soon. Oh, and because that book is so closely tied to Kirsten’s book, I designed a new cover for hers as well.

I’ve got a couple more designs for books that aren’t ready for announcing, including a new one from Max Sebastian, and the debut book of a new author to the naughty wife scene, Ben Boswell. Stay tuned for announcements early in the new year.

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New Kenny Wright book released

unconventional-availablenowUnconventional: Business Meets Pleasure is now live and available on Amazon for $2.99 (or free if you want to borrow it from the Kindle Lending Library). The paperback edition should be available either later this week or next week.

Unlike my past couple books, Unconventional doesn’t fit neatly into the wife-watching genre, but that’s not to say that the element isn’t present (it most certainly is, it’s just not as much of a plot-driver). If you enjoy books involving sexy older women, powerful executive females, crazy adventures in Las Vegas, or that inexplicable tingle that can accompany the right kind of jealousy, then Unconventional may be for you.

Buy it now on Amazon!