Soon: Annie’s Affair

This is coming. Soon. I promise. I know, I know, I said somewhere on Twitter that it would be a September release (and probably an August one before that). I had every intention of releasing it earlier, but…life. What can I say, it’s pretty unpredictable. You should know that it’s done, and it’s gone through one round of editing (thank you, Gary) and it’s on a final pass as I type this (thank you, Stephen).

And it’s good. At least, in my opinion, it’s good. It’s difficult, it’s heavy, it deals with things and characters and actions that make me squeamish and guilty and aroused all at once. As one beta reader told me, this is the first time I’ve written a book about an actual affair, where the characters don’t talk things through, where things don’t start in a healthy place. I wanted to tackle something harder, and the result, I hope, will be something that will stay with people long after it’s done. It certainly has for me.

And if you guys hate it, well, I should have the next book out in a much shorter span of time than the last two. I’m about two-thirds of the way through it, and it’s also good. But hey, what can I say, I’m a little biased.

Thanks for your patience and watch this space for more updates (and a blog post from a guest blogger, author Sean Geist!).