New Book: Castaway Wife

Season 47 of Survivor just started. No spoilers, I’ve only watched the first episode, but this one’s going to be entertaining as always! If you’re a fan like me (or maybe even if you’re not), and if you also have the kind of mind that wants to turn everything naughty, then maybe you’ve wondered, “Is there an erotic story that can be told using Survivor as a backdrop?” I can now tell you that the answer is yes, and I’ve just published it.

The blurb:

Reality Television Meets Fantasy Hotwife

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be the husband to a beautiful woman on a reality television show? Millions obsessing over her. Guys on the show hitting on her. No way to interact. All you can do is watch. All you can do is hope that in the end, she comes back home.

Andy certainly never considered any of that when he encouraged his wife, Chelsea, to live her dream as a contestant on Castaway. The six weeks of separation that followed were hard enough. The months that followed were even more difficult. She wasn’t allowed to talk about the show, but as each episode unfolded and he saw how close she got with Todd, a fireman from LA, he began to wonder how much was editing and how much was real.

Everything comes to a head as the final episode of the season airs before a live audience. The winner is crowned. The contestants reunite. And Andy learns just how much the spotlight has changed his wife.

Releasing today (or, technically, early over the weekend), it’s available all over the place right now:

I posted a version of this book over the summer on my Patreon, received a lot of great feedback in that process, and have polished it up for this final release. Hope you enjoy! And if you’d like to be a part of the creative process, check out the Patreon. Zero pressure or reason to join, almost everything that’s posted there will make it out into the wider world, but if you’d like to support me in other ways, that’s one of them.

Oh, and another would be to leave a review of this book! Especially if you liked it and want to see more like it.

Now, back to writing the next thing!

New Novella: The Limo Driver and His Wife

Just a head’s up, I’ve got a new little story that’s going on on Patreon right now (and later to Medium and other publications). It’s called The Limo Driver and His Wife and it’s my take on the “celebrity hall pass” story. You know the one where the wife (and husband) have a list of celebrities that they’re allowed to sleep with if they were ever given the opportunity.

My personal twist on it is that the husband owns a limo driver, used to driving around the rich and successful. One day, he happens to pick up his wife’s number 2, a country music star named Chase Morris. You’ll have to read the story to find out what happens, but I’m sure most of you can guess!

Right now, it’s a timed exclusive on Patreon, but as I said, it’ll be available in more places if you’re willing to wait.

In Too Deep, Books 1 and 2, on Patreon

For those looking for something new from me, I’ve been publishing a book on my Patreon page called In Too Deep. It’s a story about a wife who goes undercover in a strip club, all told from the husband’s perspective. It’s a story of angst and betrayal that’s somewhat darker than my usual fare, and the first two chapters have elicited some very heated conversation in the comments section.

Join my Patreon to participate in the discussion (or just come over to read my current work in progress). Like Castaway Wife, this will come out as an eBook (and a print book), and the version on Patreon is a beta version of it. I’m guessing that’ll be out in the Fall, but as you can tell, I’m behind schedule in publishing other things.

Hope everyone’s having a great summer!

New Books!

Greetings! This is just a quick message for followers of this blog. I’ve got some new books out in June, with hopefully more to come in a couple more weeks.

Kirsten McCurran resurrected the old Best Hotwife Erotica anthology, now with a new cast of amazing authors. Lacey Cross, Paul Garland, Sean Geist, and Delores Swallows join me, Kirsten, and Max Sebastian for this anthology of shorts.

The plan is to publish two of these a year, and give readers a chance to check out other authors with different styles. It’s also only $4, which is honestly a really good deal for how much you get.

You can pick it up at most online retailers. It’s also in paperback! Go check it out now.

Here’s the blurb:

Unveil your deepest fantasies with Best Hotwife Erotica: Vol. I: Friends and Lovers, an anthology that curates the most tantalizing tales from the bestselling masters of hotwife and cuckold erotica. Crafted by seven of the genre’s finest and most celebrated authors, this collection explores the exhilarating and provocative world of adventurous couples, insatiable wives, and the spellbound husbands who adore them.

Each story in this collection delves deep into the raw, magnetic pull of forbidden desires and the intoxicating freedom of sexual exploration. From the innocent beginnings of newfound openness, to the intense, to the intense encounters of seasoned partners, these narratives promise to ignite your imagination and stir your deepest cravings.

If you missed them before, here’s a link to the whole series.

This is the tale of three threesomes, plus a bonus moresome.

Farah agrees to bring Taylor into their bed so that her husband can experience every man’s fantasy—a threesome with two women. In exchange, she gets to see what it’s like to be with two men. And in between these two monumental events, Farah goes to play with the neighbors… alone.

And of course, Taylor has her own fantasy that’ll take a group effort to fulfill.

If you’re looking for even more from me, head on over to Patreon. I’ve got an early release of Castaway Wife available to read right now, plus the first book in a three part series called In Too Deep, which follows a wife as she goes undercover as a stripper.

Castaway Wife now publishing on Patreon

Copying this from the free post on Patreon, for those who aren’t subscribed over there (and if you’re not, you can sign up there for free to receive updates without actually having to become a patron):

Foreword (of a sort)

I’ve been a fan of the CBS show, Survivor, for many years. This is coming from someone who resisted watching reality television initially, and to be honest, am still not a huge fan of the genre. I don’t watch Real Housewives or The Bachelor (but don’t judge anyone who enjoys those!). But Survivor drew me in with the first season that I watched. There was something about the community that formed, the love-hate relationship between the cast, mixed with the physical challenges, the twists, and all the drama, that I just love. I’ve wanted to write an erotica version of it, but it’s hard to get sexy when everyone is dirty and tired, without stretching the, um, reality too much.

Then I realized something. What if we write this not from a contestant on a show like that, but from the husband’s perspective, who’s sitting at home having to deal with his wife on an island with a bunch of hot, undressed men? Extending that, what if the actual book dealt with the aftermath of the show, not the show itself. And thus, Castaway Wife was born.

A few notes on the Patreon version of this novel:

  • Yes, it is a novel. I can’t say exactly how long it will end, as I’m still writing the last bits, but it should come out to be a pretty standard length book for me. I’ve tried to cut it up into parts that made sense, but I didn’t write this to be serialized, so some parts will be longer or shorter than others.
  • The version published is nearly finished, but I’m still adjusting things here and there, and it needs a pass before an editors eyes, so apologies if you come upon a typo.
  • There will be a published version of this, in eBook (and hopefully print) format. If you’re not a Patreon subscriber, don’t worry, you’ll be able to read it eventually. Being a Patreon subscriber just means you get to read it earlier.

Below is the very start of the book. Patreon subscribers can read the full first part here.

Blurb (work in progress)

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be the husband to a beautiful woman on a reality television show? Millions obsessing over her. Guys on the show hitting on her. No way to interact. All you can do is watch. All you can do is hope that in the end, she comes back home.

Andy certainly never considered any of that when he encouraged his wife, Chelsea, to live her dream as a contestant on Castaway. The six weeks of separation that followed were hard enough. The months that followed were even more difficult. She wasn’t allowed to talk about the show, but as each episode unfolded and he saw how close she got with Todd, a fireman from LA, he began to wonder how much was editing and how much was real.

Everything comes to a head as the final episode of the season airs before a live audience. The winner is crowned. The contestants reunite. And Andy learns just how much the spotlight has changed his wife.

The plan is to publish Castaway Wife every Tuesday and Friday on Patreon. Right now, there are 7 parts, but I’m working on an 8th now, and it’s very possible that it’s not going to be the last. Like all the books that I write, I have a hard time saying goodbye to my characters, and there’s still a lot of fun to be had with this group.

Check out the full Part 1 on Patreon now.

I’ve joined Patreon

I may have been quiet on the internet and the social spaces, but I’ve been busy writing. In fact, I’ve been writing more than ever lately, moving from one project to another without pausing even long enough to publish the completed work. Creativity and motivation are fickle things, so I decided it was best to run with it while it lasts.

But now, I have a lot of stuff to share with you all, and finally some breathing room to start putting it out there (although I’m still writing away, about to complete the fifth part of a series that I’m actually enamored with, that’s new enough that I haven’t talked about it anywhere).

This leads us to Patreon. I’m going to copy & paste something from the Patreon April update (it’s free if you want to read it in full):

Patrons will have a chance to read stories here before they’re published anywhere else. Most of what I’ll post will be in near final form, but I will take any and all feedback into consideration, and depending on the direction and completeness of a story, I may incorporate it into the final product.

That said, the stories will not remain exclusive. If you don’t want to back me on Patreon, that’s totally fine and I completely understand. Most of what you’ll see here I’ll later post on my Medium page, and eventually will be published as a book on all major marketplaces (Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Smashwords, etc.). Not ready to shoulder another monthly subscription? I get it. Save your pennies for Netflix, no worries at all!

So just to be super clear, let me reiterate: being a Patron is not some requirement to read my work. It’s just an added way to support me and my writing if you’d like, to connect with other fans, and get a sneak peek at upcoming releases.

There are already two stories up, one an old one from 2014 (Flirt, from Wife Sharing Shorts) and one brand new one, called, Strange Men in Strange Cities. Next week, starting Monday, April 15, I’ll be posting a new three part series called, Our Three Threesomes. If you’d like to check those out early, join my Patreon. If you’d like to wait, they’ll be up on Medium in May.

New Book: Everyone’s a Winner

With someone with a marketing background, I’m not always the best when it comes to marketing myself. Like how I sat on this new book! Right now, Everyone’s a Winner is available on Amazon and Medium. I’ll start publishing to other marketplaces today.

The foreword I wrote for it, though, works here as a news update/blog post. Kind of goes into the story behind the story:

This book is an experiment. It started off as a short story I wrote for a friend, and I never intended to publish it as anything more than a short in some future collection of stories. I decided to post it on Medium in two parts (I’m on there @kennywriter). The comments inspired me to write more. More became this book that you’re now reading.

It’s an experiment because it’s so wildly different than how I normally write anything. When I compose a book, I have a loose idea of where I want it to go as I put words down on the page. I follow the characters where they take me, but I’m always the shepherd. When true story finally emerges, I almost always go back and revise earlier chapters. When the characters go off the rails, I often walk back those crazier scenes. When I think of a fun twist, I will revise the earlier story to give that twist more foreshadowing and impact.

With Everyone’s a Winner, I couldn’t do any of this. The chapters were being written and published in real time. I didn’t want to edit something that had been out there for weeks. I was stuck with the decisions that my characters (and I) made along the way. It’s been an interesting experience, a fun writing exercise, and has produced a book that I would never have published otherwise.

Whether it was successful or not, I’ll let you readers decide through sales, feedback, and review. For me, it’s been fun!

New parts for Everyone’s a Winner

Based on the great feedback and reception that my short story on Medium garnered, I went ahead and decided to continue Lauren’s story. Who says 50 is too old to become a hotwife? Definitely not Lauren or her husband, Eric, and definitely not when she’s in Las Vegas and all that temptation.

This one’s been a fun one to write. It’s not too heavy on the plot, just good, hot sex and scenes that, I hope, unfold with enough realism that you all can get into it.

I’ve got three parts written and am noodling a fourth. I really don’t know how much beyond that I’ll write, but if everyone continues to be into it (and I’m including myself into that “everyone”), then there will be more.

Check out the parts over on Medium:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Oh, I also created a list on Medium if you want to see all the parts together.

Finally, please make sure to like/clap the story sections if you liked them, and leave a comment. Medium has changed the way they measure engagement, so the best way to support me (and the best way to make it known that you want to see more parts) is to do that. You can also subscribe to my on Medium (it’ll email you new parts) and follow me there (I honestly am not sure what the difference is). No pressure either way. You do you, and I’ll keep writing.

It’s good to be back

[Photo Credit: DimaKozitsyn / Deposit Photos]

As I wrote in the foreword of my latest book, The Blonde in 3C, despite not publishing anything (or even having much of a presence online), I didn’t retire. I’ll just quote myself here:

For me, capturing hotwife fantasies in books and stories is not a job, it’s a true passion. The fantasy is real, and anyone who’s got it knows that it’s not something you can just turn off. There’s no “retiring” from this.

Kenny Wright, from the Foreword of The Blonde in 3C

I never stopped writing. I just stopped publishing. Also, I stopped finishing projects. I have many works in progress, some more complete than others (one actually is complete, although needs a thorough second pass). I’ve got a juicy story about a couple who run a PI agency that specializes in honey pot schemes. I’ve got another about a man who marries the quieter of two twins, only to learn that maybe their personas weren’t too far apart. Another about a guy who runs a limo service and is hired by a country music star on his wife’s “hall pass” list. And finally (not really finally, but finally for the purposes of this post), a story inspired by a real life, post-50s couple and that hotwife adventures aren’t just exclusive to the young.

Point here is that I haven’t stopped writing, and probably never will. But I did stop putting my writing out into the world. Now that I’ve started to again (with a new book and a new short story posted on Medium), along with a return to Twitter (or X, or whatever the hell it’s called now), it feels good. I plan to remain back, so watch this space, Twitter (maybe Threads, are people on Threads?), and Medium. You should see a lot more of me (again).

New Medium Story: Everyone’s a Winner

Another week, another new story from me! This one’s a short story, the first half available on Medium right now. The second half will be posted on Friday, July 28 [edit: part two is now available]. It’s a fun story about a mature wife’s trip to Vegas with a hall pass from her husband. The events, while all fiction, were inspired by a friend and his own fantasy.

If you like it, please let me know. Leave a comment here or on Medium, or tweet at me on Twitter.

Read part 1 of “Everyone’s a Winner”

Read part 2 of “Everyone’s a Winner”